Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
174923 Cognitive Computation
162261 Cognitive Neuroscience
96918 Cognitive Poetics and Rhetoric
42057 Cognitive Psychology
665635 Cognitive Remediation Journal 1805-7225
181399 Cognitive Research: Principles and Implications 2365-7464
510908 Cognitive Robotics 2667-2413
179643 Cognitive Science 1551-6709
107401 Cognitive Social Science e-journal
85948 Cognitive Studies / Etudes cognitives
46266 Cognitive System Research
36558 Cognitive Systems
110166 Cognitive Systems Research
745685 Cognitive Systems, European Society for the Study of Cognitive Systems
152019 Cognitive Therapy and Research
146205 Cognitive, Affective & Behavioral Neuroscience 1531-135X
162409 Cognitive, Affective, & Behavioral Neuroscience
801466 Cognizance Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies 0976-7797
143639 Coimbra Business Review 2183-3915
339657 Coincidentia. Zeitschrift für europäische Geistesgeschichte 7/1, pp. 47-60
63094 Cold Spring Harb Perspect Biol
96100 Cold Spring Harb Perspect Med
99871 Cold Spring Harb Symp Quant Biol
50461 Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press
59617 Cold Spring Harbor Perspect Biol
182029 Cold Spring Harbor Perspectives in Medicine
150440 Cold Spring Harbor Symp. Quant. Biol., Cold Spring Harbor, New York
749490 Cold Spring Harbor molecular case studies 2373-2873
217162 Colecciones Digitales, Subdirección de Investigación Dibam
57768 Colección pedagógica universitaria
99774 Coll Relat Res
51915 Coll. Interface Sci
93657 Collage : revue de la Fédération Suisse des Urbanistes
892823 Collateral
857688 Collationes. Tijdschrift voor Theologie en Pastoraal
51995 Collect. Czech. Chem. Commun
167987 Collectanea Botanica 0010-0730
52837 Collectanea Christiana Orientalia
173029 Collectanea Cisterciensia
92843 Collectanea Franciscana
57848 Collectanea Instituti Anthropos
60179 Collectanea Math
173961 Collectif Littératures au Sud
55743 Collection "Archéologiques
36076 Collection : Etudes épigraphiques
152305 Collection : Profession cadre service public
513873 Collection Astronomie Hachette
157410 Collection Economies d'Energie
112231 Collection Histoire et société
152374 Collection Indologie 0073-8352
70569 Collection Lumières
29936 Collection Mémoires (Autrement)
103691 Collection Observation et statistiques 2109-0025
37559 Collection Perspectives "Villes et Territoires
157337 Collection Recherche Environnement 0151-7147
89287 Collection Regards croisés sur le monde anglophone
104715 Collection Résultats Institut de l'Elevage 1773-4738
75183 Collection SFN
144970 Collection Scientifique et Techniques des Télécommunications, Springer
89506 Collection Theta, Peter Lang
86411 Collection actes et études - Cujas
48420 Collection d'études médiévales
97307 Collection de l'INSEE Serie E
63015 Collection des Espaces Religieux
36176 Collection des journées de l'UMR
61732 Collection des études augustiniennes
177902 Collection des études augustiniennes. Série Antiquité 1158-7032
134480 Collection interdisciplinaire des Presses Blaise Pascal
127064 Collection of Chersonesos
69754 Collection of Technical Papers - 4th International Energy Conversion Engineering Conference
124962 Collection of papers of Laboratory of Social History of the Tambov State University
902565 Collection of scientific paper of National Mining University
561892 Collection of scientific theses: based on the materials of student scientific readings
168225 Collection soyeuse
69621 Collection: Etudes contrastives
152695 Collections DUO
157169 Collections de Statistique Agricole. Etude (SCEES) 0336-5638
30954 Collections de l'Histoire
97296 Collections de l'INSEE Serie E
157112 Collections de l'INSEE Serie E, Entreprises 0533-0815
97285 Collections de l'INSEE Serie Entreprises
68392 Collections électroniques de l'INHA, ISSN : 2108-6419
163244 Collective Dynamics
139524 Collective Volume of Scientific Papers
176459 College of Europe Studies 1780-9665
346023 Collegium
241916 Collegium Beatus Rhenanus
153434 Collegium Beatus Rhenanus. EUCOR-Newsletter
66368 Collegium anthropologicum
113908 Collezione dei preprint 1997-98, Lablita
113909 Collezione dei preprint 1997-98, Lablita,
152561 Collingwood and British Idealism Studies 1744-9413
166063 Collligo
155493 Collnet Journal of Scientometrics and Information Management 0973-7766
180581 Colloid & Polymer Science 1435-1536
99452 Colloid Journal
123970 Colloid and Interface Science Communications 2215-0382
819881 Colloids Surf.A
168931 Colloids and Interfaces
121285 Colloids and Surface A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects.